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Sustainable clothing: before throwing something away, think about it!

“Approach sustainable clothing in a conscious way: think green and before throwing something. Give a second life to your dress, sweater, or accessories. Follow our green fashion tips! ”

Cover photo credits: igishevamaria  –

Awareness, the new 2021 trend

Raise your hand if you haven’t heard of sustainable clothing this year. Why this year? During the long period of lockdown many shops were closed, we had more time to fix the wardrobe and also to consider whether or not to keep something rather than buying new clothes.

Many apps were born, including Vinted, and for example, a service called “second hand” by Zalando which gave the possibility to sell what we no longer wanted to keep, giving a new value to the old garments.

If many years ago buying “old” clothes was something that led to feel shame and see poverty, now it is considered absolutely sustainable and cool!

In fact, there are above all ethical reasons behind sustainable clothing. Yes, because you must know that the textile industry is the second sector in the world for water consumption and production is very often held in countries where the lack of water is greater. There are many brands that tend to promote clothing recycling initiatives to produce new ones, often ignoring that this also involves a large consumption of water.

We have some tips for you to be able to approach sustainable clothing in a conscious way:

1. The first absolute rule is: think green and before throwing something!

2. A garment can be worn in different ways, an example? If you no longer want to wear a shirt in a classic way, you can turn it into a dress! It is not necessary to be skilled seamstresses and arm yourself with ants and a sewing machine, you need your imagination! A maxi-shirt, for example, you can wear with a wide belt and match it with your favorite boots, or tie the sleeves behind creating a bow, like a sleeveless dress!

3. You can give your garments a second life by personalizing them with applications, rhinestones, or dye them with a new color with special dyes to be used in the washing machine.

4. Have you ever thought about having a swap party at your house? What is it about? It is a special occasion to be able to give to loved ones, or exchange, garments, objects, and more, without throwing them away. The Swap Party was born in New York, but it would be very nice to make it more known in Italy too. So let’s promote this initiative, start organizing your party dedicated to sustainable clothing or used objects. What’s better than chatting, drinking hot tea, and exchanging items, clothes, and style tips?

5. If you are passionate about sewing, making clothing sustainable is your chance! Combine more fabrics, put together your skills and your creativity. Create something unique and special with what you have, give it away, wear it, exchange it, this is the trend of the moment.

If you want to chat with me or ask me for style advice, write me: my name is Matilda Mulhaxhia and MAT is my brand, my world, come and meet it!

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